Monday, May 4, 2009

Buzz kill.

It's amazing how quickly a buzz kill can happen.

Today I was all excited. Riding high off a certain someone commenting on a previous blog. Riding high off finally making a decision that is scarey and new, and will completely make me rethink how I write my novel.

Now, I'm just so... Yeah... makes me almost say "why bother?"

Here.. as it is Star Wars day... (May the 4th be with you) I will just steal a line from it.

"I find your lack of faith disturbing."


Leslie said...

So what happened to kill your buzz?

LOL, you should give credit where credit is due, I stole the Star Wars line from my friend Kristen...

Anonymous said...

Well if if makes you feel any better my fell good about my life was ruined by getting hit in the face