Thursday, March 12, 2009

Final Vamp Colors - VOTE!

Alright.. it's time to vote. You only have till 3/19/09 to vote (gotta turn in my list on the 20th)

Here are the two that are confirmed that I want:
So 8 Lucien

2 Michael Corvin

And here are the ones I haven't decided on. I only get to get 2, doesn't have to be 2 of the same, but just 2 of something. I think I'm in love with Armande and Lestat.. yummy.

Also, there is a bit of a problem arising with the whole dyeing part. So jen and I are working on that to get the bamboo to do what we want it to do when it comes down to it. So, who knows I might end up with something entirely different than any of the ones below.

So here are all the colors I like and that are Vamp club exclusives

From True Blood (Sookie Stackhouse):

Debbie Pelt:

Anne Rice Colorways:





Underworld Colorways:




Twilight Colorways:

The Volturi


Leslie said...

I voted. Glad to hear that the dying thing is getting resloved

Wicked said...

It's not resolved.