Saturday, March 28, 2009

Swift and winding...

So, I'm entering a contest for a Swift and Ball winder. Which unless your a knitter, you won't care about.

From the blog of "Musings of a Fat Chick"

Webs Plastic and Metal Swift and Ball Winder Combo

The swift is sturdy and lightweight and opens to 60". It can hold skeins up to one pound. The clamp at the base allows it to be easily attached to a table edge or shelf and can pivot for use at any angle. The ball winder will create 4 oz. center pull balls. Separately, the swift retails for $39.50 and the ball winder for $39.50.

So yeah... it'd be nice to win. I want a swift.

1 comment:

Marissa said...

I love my ball winder. Love it love it love it.

I do not have a swift. Let me know how that works, I've been thinking of buying one.